Wednesday, March 16, 2005

This week

This week's Illustration Friday topic is "fragile" and I realize I'm not breaking any new ground as far as concepts go by doing an egg but I just seem to be in an egg mode lately. I bought a new t-shirt Sunday that has a simple cartoon egg with legs and it is cracked in two and the shirt reads "Humpty was pushed". It's great. It makes me happy to wear it.


Anonymous said...

cute shoes! nice idea..

Ellie said...

Hahahahaha! What a cute Easter Card this would make!
Yeah - like Rebecca said... nice shoes.

Aravis said...

I've seen the t-shirt you mention; I liked it too. *G*

This is great. I especially like the way you decorated the egg.

Lena said...

Lovely! :-)

Jules said...

Gee, thanks everyone, I'm loving Illustration Friday...must find out what Everyday Matters is all about now. I know it's a book/journal.