Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I guess I'm picturing this as "Aging and the battle for your $$$" Just so much consumer stuff these days, gawd I AM old. When I realized I had a sweatshirt older than my kids sitter - that's when I really knew.


carla said...

Tell me about it...I pulled out a tiny tank top the other day and realized that I've had it since before I had my son...and he's a young man now! The good part is that it still fits...Whew... Anyway, I just love your illo...simple lines but awesome and funny details. I really like the pale swirly background and the funky shoes. Good stuff!

Rowantree said...

Oh! yes... I feel age when I see the bill of expensive creams of my wife

"Maggie & Kevin" said...

Oh yeah, right there with ya Jules. Dig the pointed shoes and breasts! Doesn't it all seem to happen at once???

By the way, what a great way to illustrate this topic!

Dana S. Whitney said...

Shoes, boobs and dye..
Terrific details and observations!

flossy-p said...

i love the squiggly little grey hairs. Where can I get me a pair of those great shoes?

Eren said...

This is great, I love it! It's so funny. Such a good way to show aging. I dig the background too.

Anonymous said...

GREAT ILLO! I like her shoes and the background the most:)))

Jules said...

Thanks everyone. If I could go into the shoe design business I'd be rich!

Jeope said...

The "sag" takes this one over the top. Thanks for the laugh. Great job!

Julie Oakley said...

very funny - love it

weehoon said...

awe-inspiring work..Jules :")

Baroness Von Wolfengeist said...

This image looks too much like me! How did you know? Really, it is great and very precise (and I love those shoes).

btw: I did recieve your email but was in the process of moving and then had to wait forever to get my internet connection back up. Sorry, I never got around to answering you in time. Comments were down for a while so NO you were not getting senile. I might be, though.

Duncan said...

Love the illo, again great shoes, and I like your backgrounds too.