Thursday, May 11, 2006

Fat - illo friday

ahhh, in this case some fat - marbling - is good. My apologies in advance to the many varieties of people that this image could offend. I realize it's not a "real" illustration, it's just something I put together to make myself a t-shirt because, well, I love steak.


carla said...

Hmmm...I'll bypass the commentary on the topic (I'm vegetarian) and say that your illustration is beautifully done! It has a sort of retro look which is very cool!

Slowplum said...

i'm a carnivore too, i think it's nifty!

Amy Zaleski said...

Are you a "Simpsons" fan by any chance? "You don't win friends with salad" is one of my favorite all time Bart and Homer chants. I like this diagram and haven't seen anything like it this week. Great job!