Monday, May 09, 2005


This week's Illustration Friday topic is mischief. I filled a few pages with all sorts of stuff before deciding to go ahead with this guy.


PaMdora said...

Another great drawing! Makes me pucker up just thinking about it. Like the little bug and how you did the orange slices!

Emily said...

I'm not feeling too good but your illustration made me feel better.

Anonymous said...

This made me smile. :D

Anonymous said...

So cute. I love the bright colors. Very good.


"Maggie & Kevin" said...

Too cute. I remember doing this sort of thing with oranges. Makes me want an orange right now.

Anonymous said...

haha.. this is so cute :D.. I like the colours so much.. very nice illo..
Have a great week!:)

Anonymous said...

I love kids used to do this all the time. Lovely.


Ellen said...

Very Appropo'!
I wasdoing this with my nephews last year!

Baroness Von Wolfengeist said...

Oh my gosh, this is so cute. I can remember doing this. hee hee.

Love it!