Now what to make...
The illos for the alphabet book are all finished with only 2 revisions out of 27 so I'm pretty happy 'bout that. I'll post some when I'm allowed - hush hush and all that.
I'll leave you with two little ATCs of the Boob Faerie. She visits girls in their early teens. She visited both my sisters and ran out by the time she got to me. As time goes by it looks like she visited my brother too!
this made me laugh so hard. love your potatoes + your boobs... :)
your art....it's the best, makes me laugh, and your characters are just so stinkin' cute, love them, they make me smile.
Thank you :)
Totally cute. I don't know who I like more, the smashed taters or the boob fairy!
Awesome! :)
AWESOME! I love your boob fairy.. unfortunately she only visited me during pregnancy and then came back and collected! :)
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